Saturday, July 19, 2008

You always remember....

....when you got sick; but rarely do we notice when we get well. Especially when it is a gradual recovery.

I just discovered yesterday that I have not had any need for my asthma medicine for 3 weeks.
That's 3 weeks of no chest tightness, no wheezing, no coughing!!!

Last year I was on 5 medicines just to try to control my chronic allergies and worsening asthma.
This year: none!!!

To what do I attribute my health: Mannatech Glyconutrient Products!!!

Who would have ever thought that I could beat asthma???

For 31 years I have had a perpetual tissue in my hand.................I used to joke that we should get stock in the Kleenex Corporation because I bought so much of the stuff.

But now I am sniffle free. I am coughless. I am non-wheezing!!

Thank you God for Mannatech

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

looking good

My 10 year old son Ben asked me, "Why are you all dressed up, Mom?"

I replied, "Because I am looking like a millionaire, Ben!"

We act like we dress.

Dress like a bum. Act like a bum.

Dress like a jock. Act like a jock.

Dress like a millionaire. Act like a millionaire.

One step at a time. I'm on my way!


Brian and I made the decision yesterday, July 9, to begin a 90 day blitz with the team to build our business and help more people.

Gotta have a plan.

A goal without a deadline is just a dream. So we are mapping out our strategies and tactics to make the blitz successful.

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

We are ready, willing and able!

Let's go!