Saturday, June 28, 2008

We feel GREAT!!!

Brian and I are feeling terrific! Not only are our hormones in balance (Yeah! Thanks to Mannatech PLUS) but we have incredible energy! It is amazing! We get up around 6 or 6:30am and go to bed around midnight. Normally we don't go to bed so late, but we have been involved in some phenomonal training that we are doing after the children are in bed!! In all my years in this industry, I have never seen such excellent and superior training as Tim Altvater offers in

Brian has made this huge paradigm shift in his thinking. He is exercising and getting "buff"!
He is looking great! But better than that is the total attitude shift in his head. By his own admission he says he felt like a "leaf on a river going where the river drifted". Now, he has a rudder and sail on his leaf and he is taking this 'Condon Cruiser' on the trip of a lifetime to financial freedom and abundance.

Could it get better?
It does!! Because of Brian's new attitude it is improving our marriage!! We had a good marriage;
afterall, we do have 8 children! But now our marriage is great! The pressure for financial stability is decreasing as Brian embraces the leverage model of network marketing and team building! We are seeing income checks and they are only going to get bigger!

Stay tuned for good news all the time!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jeanne and Brian 2.0

The all new and improved Brian and Jeanne 2.0 version is up and running!!!
Our old programming has been deleted and we tolerate ZERO negativity in our life.
We have a tremendous goal that we are focusing on and we will accept nothing less than success that we believe in, that we deserve, that we focus on, that we aim for, that we work for, that we target!!

We ROCK! Our marriage ROCKS! Our family ROCKS! Our business ROCKS!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Borrowing from your dreams!

Today was an incredible day!!! Not only was it our 22nd wedding anniversary, but all 8 of our children, our marvelous daughter-in-law and 2 grandchildren came over to spend the day and celebrate Father's Day!!

To end the day, the teens had a swing dance party in the back yard followed by a bonfire!! There are several guitars and a fiddle playing country tunes while the firelight dances on happy faces.

I want a home where people feel welcome to stay a while, where they feel comfortable enough to
relax and feel loved!!

I want my grandchildren to know that Grandma's house is fun, the good old fashioned way with lots of outdoor activities and fresh air and sunshine!! We have a tree house, a swimming pool, and lots of games to play! Of course there was plenty of food!

I don't have to wait until we have a 10 acre spread to do all this. We did it on one third of an acre.

am living my dream out now, borrowing the joy from the future. And it feels great!!

I have tremendous hope and opportunity for the future because of Mannatech and I am so grateful!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Every journey begins with a first step....

This year is filled with changes and new beginnings!!

I was introduced to Mannatech nutritional supplements about 3 years ago, but did not fully understand their importance. I took them every once in a while.

Fast forward to earlier in the spring and my hormones are galloping about causing me to feel irritable and irrational. I spoke to my good friend, Annette Cocker and she says I should be taking Mannatech's PLUS for Endocrine Support: that means hormone help!

Five days after starting in at a maintainance dosage, I feel calm and grounding about me. I am not so easily flustered. I had 6 children around me in the kitchen making breakfast and I note to my husband, "Look Brian, I am not getting freaked out!!"

Two weeks later I notice that my premenopausal hot flashes have diminished to being almost gone and that my 4 times a week morning headaches have disappeared!!!

This is good news for me and the whole family!!!